NAME                                 :  MORE SAVITA KANHAIYALAL
QUALIFICATION                :  M.Sc. PHYSICS
DATE OF BIRTH                 :  08/07/1974
DATE OF APPOINTMENT  :   28/07/1998
WORK EXPERIENCE         :   1. Dam safety organisation
                                                 2. Highway Research
                                                 3. Structural research and physics division
                                                  4. Management information system Hydrology project Nashik.
EMAIL ADDRESS                :


Ministry of water resources Government of India has launched national water mission as one of the eight national missions, which form the core of the national action plan for climate change (NAPCC), launched by the Prime Minister. The main objective of the national water mission is conservation of water, minimizing wastage and ensuring its more equitable distribution both across and within states through integrated water resources development and management.


Eight missions of national action plan on climate change.
1.National solar mission
2.National mission on enhanced energy efficiency.
3.National mission on sustainable habitat.
4. National water mission
5. National mission for sustaining the himalayan eco-system
6. National mission for a green India
7. National mission for sustainable agriculture
8. National mission on strategic knowledge for climate change


The comprehensive mission document of national water mission has identified following five goals;
1.Comprehensive water data base in public domain and assessment of the impact of climate change on water resource.
2.Promotion of citizen and state actions for water conservation, augmentation and preservation.
3.Focused attention to vulnerable areas including over-exploited areas.
4.Increasing water use efficiency by 20% and
5.Promotion of basin level integrated water resources management.


The water resources of the country are under severe strian with continuously declining per capita water availability, increased over -exploited areas, very large temporal and spatial variation in rainfall, accelerated demand for food security, industry, change of consumption and distribution pattern with the growing economy, per capita use, growing quality and equity concerns etc.

The water resources situation, its development , management and availability vary considerably from state to state. Many of the identified strtegies/actions to achieve the goals of the NWM are required  to be taken by the state government/union territories. In this context, it is highly desirable to develop state specific action plans for water sector alligned with the state action plan on climate change formulated by the states under NAPCC which give the holistic roadmap to achieve the desired goals.


The state specific action plans would essentially consist of
(a) Preparation of status report on present situation of water resources development and management, water governance, institutional arrangements, water related policies, cross-boundary issues and agreements etc of the state/union territory. The document should also define problems/issues related to all the aspects of water resources specific to the state.
(b) Identifying a set of probable solutions to address the key issues/problem areas giving pros and cons of the solutions.
(c) Preparation of detailed action plan for each of the strategy/activity identified in the NWM to be implemented by the state/union territory.

NWM is supporting and UTs to formulate state specific action plans for water sector (SSAP- Water). The state specific action plan on water is a multi-disciplinary activity requiring active participation of all Government Departments related to water from supply side, demand side, governance side, technology side and environment  and climate change perspective and also that of non-government agencies and citizens. Thus, the formulation of plans involves convergence and synergy of all stakeholders - Government and Non Government.

(6) Objectives of SSAP for water sector:
1. Critical analysis of existing water scenario based on current and past data / information-both on availability and development (supply side) and use (demand side).
2.  Critical review of existing water policies, regulations, institutions and various ongoing interventions / Schemes / Programmes on Water being undertaken by various government and non-government agencies including the best practices.

3. To evolve and formulate performance indicators for each of the water cycle/ dimension component including Sustainable Development Goals.
4. To formulate annual State / UT Water Budgets.

5. To designate one State Department as responsible for enabling, coordinating and supervising all aspects of water- Quantity (supply side, demand side) and quality dimensions / components of Water / Water Cycle in the State with a responsibility to formulate annual State/ UT Water Budgets.

6. To document assessment / Impact of Climate Change on the State-resources, livelihoods and growth from Water perspective and the development of possible scenario on Water.
7. To identify current and future development needs, challenges; vulnerable areas and communities; and explore possible solutions and strategies for sustainable development and management.
8. To formulate a strategic action plan including location and context specific contingency plans to manage the impact of climate change. 
9.  To formulate a comprehensive and integrated water plan for WATER SECURITY, SAFETY AND SUSTAINABILITY TILL 2050 with equity  through convergence, synergy and role / accountability of all stakeholders - Government and Non-Government agencies including civil society.

(7) Detailed scope of work / assignment.
        The broad scope of work would be: 
A. Preparation of Status Report on Water Resources Development and Management
B. Preparation of interim report 
C. Preparation of State Specific Action Plan

(8) Expected Outcomes: to be completed in 12 months.








6 months

      1.          Annual State / UT Water Budgeting (to be undertaken annually)

      2.          One State Government Department to be designated as responsible for coordinating and monitoring water resources in the State comprehensively.

      3.          Institutional Mechanism to monitor the development and use of Water resources comprehensively at State level including measurement at Supply and Demand side and strict monitoring of Quality and fixation of accountability.


(Interim Report)

3 months 

      4.          Contingency Plan to address Climate Change impact on Water


(Final Report)

3 months

      5.          SSAP on Water Security, Safety and Sustainability till 2050

(9) As per Government of Maharashtra letter; NO. CAD 2015/CR (380/15)WRI Water  

     Resource Department, Madam Cama Road, Mantralaya Mumbai, dated on     

     22/09/2017, SSAP work handed over to Planning and Hydrology, Nashik.

State Nodal Agency:

Director General, Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute (MERI), Dindori Road, Nashik-422004


State Nodal officer:

Office of Chief Engineer, Hydrology Project, Planning & Hydrology, Jalvidnyan Bhavan, Dindori Road, Nashik-422004

Detailed template about SSAP of 565 pages has been made available to all  state representative in the National Level Consultation workshop on SSAP held on 23/10/2017 at New Delhi.


(10) GOM WRD letter dated 11/12/2017 and reminder dated 29/12/2017 requested concern Department to make available the required data for SSAP.

(11) Data is required from various departments of the State Government in the prescribed format given in template at earliest.

(12)  Request: Data from all departments

  1. Appointment of co-ordinator for each Deptt. for follow up within Deptt. Compilation and making it available to Nodal Agency, SSAP.
  2. Special cell for SSAP
13.  Line of action:-

1.      As per Government of Maharashtra GR No.Misc.-2015/(380/2015)/WRI Dt.26/09/2018 the state Level Steering Committee and State Level Monitoring Committee has been formed.


2.      Appointment of coordinating officer :-


1.         Water Resources Department:  KIDC Thane, VIDC Nagpur, MKVDC Pune GMIDC Aurangabad, and TIDC Jalgaon has appointed the coordinating officer. 

2.         1.Public Works Department, 2.Agriculture dairy development and fisheries department, 3.School education and sport department, 4.Revenue and Forest department, 5.Water supply and Sanitary department 6.Regoinal weather centre Mumbai has appointed the coordinating officer. 

3.         Other departments of Government of Maharashtra are not yet to be appointed the coordinating officer.

4.         Data related to Hydrology Project WRD,( page no 13 to 27 of detailed templates pages 565  ) is  compiled .


State Nodal officer requested to WRD Department and other department through vide letter no. 1248dt.26/06/2018, 2282 dt.17/10/2018, 2394 dt.14/11/2018, 1250 dt.25/06/2018, 2281 dt.17/10/2018, 2393 dt.14/11/2018, 16/02/2019, 11/04/2019, 30/09/2016 & 7/01/2020 and DO letter dt.31/05/2019 & 22/11/2019 to appoint the coordinating officer and make available the required data for SSAP.


Scientific Research Officer,

Maharashtra Engineering & Research Institute,

Main Building, First Floor,

Dindori Road, Nashik-400 004.

Phone No. – 0253-2531153